The Light School
Light Primary School was founded by Pastor Leonard and Emily Chemutai and has over 160 students from the rural village near Kapchorwa in Eastern Uganda. It is set in the beautiful mountainous region near Mount Elgin and his home to an amazing abundance of wildlife. However, extreme poverty exists here and is the norm. Very few can afford to go to school much less afford proper nutrition. Many of our students are considered orphaned or vulnerable due to disease and the HIV/AIDS epidemic that riddles much of Africa. Light School is in an area where the majority of the population are Muslim and is truly a light in a dark place. Despite years of schooling in poor conditions due to lack of funding, Pastor Leonard has been faithful in teaching these children Christ, Scripture, and how to be saved eternally. As a result, many have come to Christ and have gone home to their parents and told them as well! We are incredibly excited about what is happening on the ground as the stories pour in of the change that is happening not just at the school, but in the community as a result of Christ being proclaimed and lives being changed.
Phase 1: Pay Teachers and Feed Kids (60% Funded)
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Phase 2: Clean Water (100% funded, construction in progress)
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Phase 3: Cementing Classrooms and Latrines (In Progress)
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What We Do
Sharing ChristThe school setting has proven to be a wonderful place to share Christ. A normal day of school at Light Primary School comes with Chapel, prayer, and Scripture. Pastor Leonard has a wonderful relationship with not just the students, but with their families as well. He cares deeply for his community and desires all to know Christ. Gospel conversations happen frequently. Many teachers, students, and parents all have testimonies of hearing Christ and coming to saving faith because of this ministry.
Feeding ChildrenBecause of the intense level of poverty, food and proper nutrition is often scarce. Studies have shown that when the body receives good food that the mind can learn and focus better. Not only that, but good nutrition helps growth and fighting disease and sickness. It is key for success. Our students receive a simple breakfast and a filling lunch that helps them thrive both in and out of the classroom.
Clean WaterA home with clean water coming from a faucet is a rare occurrence and almost unheard of in rural villages. Rather, water comes from streams or lakes and is often contaminated with diseases such as Typhoid and parasites. Clean water from drilled wells that tap underground water sources is life changing for entire communities. We currently have one safe water well at the school site but are always looking for ways to bless the community surrounding it with this life-saving gift.
School BuildingThe need for safe and sturdy classrooms is great. Currently, our students are attending class in crumbling shacks on borrowed land that is too small to accommodate all of our students. We have been told that we need to move. Because of the generosity of many donors, we were able to buy land. So far it lays bare but our hope is to see quality buildings in place their so that Light School can thrive and continue in blessing this community of people. Right now we are paying to upkeep and maintain the property that the school is currently on.