The Background
The Light School is an elementary level school located in one of the most beautiful yet economically poor regions in Eastern Uganda. It is near the village of Kapchorwa and is one of the areas only Christian schools in an area where the main religion is Islam. Founded by native Pastor Leonard Chemutai and his wife Emily, this school has been a light on a hill and has been where many have come to Christ, both students and teachers. The school itself has known extreme poverty and a lack of resources and funds. Because this is a private school, funding must come from an outside source because they do not qualify for government aid.
The Need
Very few people in the rural areas of Uganda have clean and running water. Most people carry buckets or jugs long distances to the nearest water source to use for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. While this does not sound dangerous, these water sources are often contaminated with deadly parasites and bacteria. Typhoid constantly plagues the people of Kapchorwa and the surrounding areas and is the cause of countless deaths each year. This problem seems insurmountable and is common to almost every man, woman, and child in rural areas of Uganda. However, access to clean water saves lives and gives their bodies a fighting chance against the host of other challenges like malaria and malnutrition that they continually. It helps young bodies grow and minds learn. This is why we have made this one of our primary goals as an organization.